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Sektion 2
Course or Site full name {coursename}: filtercodes
Course or Site short name {courseshortname}: filtercodes
Course start date {coursestartdate strftimedatetime}: 17 juli 2021, 00:00
Course end date {courseenddate strftimedatetime}: Ingen
Completion date {coursecompletiondate strftimedatetime}: Oavlagd
Sektion 3
Teachers in this course {courseteachers}: {courseteachers}
My Enrolled Courses {mycourses}:
Du är inte inloggad
Sektion 4
If LoggedIn {ifloggedin}You are logged-in.{/ifloggedin}:
If LoggedOut {ifloggedout}You are logged-out.{/ifloggedout}: You are logged-out.
If Guest {ifguest}You are a guest.{/ifguest}: You are a guest.